Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, September 30, 2013

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Decreasing Appetite for Weight Loss Through Omega Fish Oil Pills

A study performed by the University College of Cork and another by the University of Navarra indicated that Omega 3 fish oil supplements can be extremely effective in aiding weight loss by lowering appetite. Since 3 Omega benefits are plentiful, this is just another positive effect.

Health Benefits of Omega Fish Oil Pills

Numerous studies have taken place that shows the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. For example, it has been proven that fish oil supplements can improve cognitive ability, cardiovascular health, chronic pain, and depression. Because the supplement can help with inflammation, then it can help with muscle related injuries as well.

Most people in the United States are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Part of this is because the Western diet makes more use of Omega 6 fatty acids, which actually have negative effects. These Omega 6 acids can take the place of Omega rx acids in the brain, causing even further problems. Deficiencies in Omega 3 can lead to obesity and dementia as well as Alzheimer's disease.

Weight Loss through Omega EPA

200 participants were used in the Omega 3 weight loss study. These participants were classified as overweight or obese. Each participant had to adhere to a strict program of diet and exercise. Each patient was either given a low or a high dose of Omega 3. At the end of the study, it was shown that the patients who received the high dose of Omega 3 acids had a lowered appetite and did not feel as hungry between meals.

It is not yet understood just how Omega oil helps to suppress the appetite, but since the supplement has so many other health benefits, it is definitely a supplement to take daily.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Boosting Your Metabolism is the Biggest Key to Fast Weight Loss

Boosting Your Metabolism: The Real Key

Your metabolism is basically the rate at which your body burns calories. The importance of this should be extremely obvious. The faster your body burns calories the faster you will be able to burn the excess fat off your body. But having a fast metabolism doesn't only help you to burn fat fast, it also helps you to keep that fat off for good. That's why a weight loss aproach that focuses on boosting the metabolism is the best way to get long term results.

Low Calorie Diets Slow Your Metabolism Down

The biggest reason not to start a low calorie diet is that such a diet makes your body go into "starvation mode" which essentially means that your metabolism is slowed down to the point where you are burning very few calories because your body thinks it needs to hold onto it's energy for the future. This is why you can sometimes lose very little weight even when you are eating very little food. But really isn't it a good thing that this approach doesn't work very well? Because it's not very much fun to starve yourself anyway!

Taking Time Off From Dieting

One very effective method for speeding up the metabolism to take some time off from dieting every week. For example you could have one day every week where you can eat anything you want. This makes your body think that you are not only getting plenty of calories, but that you are actually getting too many. This can have the effect of helping your body to actually burn fat off faster. So not only do you get to enjoy your favorite foods (even if they aren't good for you) once a week but it has the amazing effect of helping you lose weight faster.

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Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hoodia Weight Loss Diet Pill

Hoodia weight loss diet pill has been hailed as America's No 1 diet pill. It's not surprising considering many TV shows such as 60 minutes and the Oprah Winfrey Show have extensively mentioned and endorsed the effective hoodia diet pill.

So what's so special about this hoodia weight loss diet pill?

The hoodia comes from the hoodia gordoni cactus plant in South Africa. It's has been used by african bushmen to help ward off hunger for hundreds of years. It's mostly found in the deserts in southern africa, probably the reason why african bushmen take these hoodia gordoni extracts is to starve off hunger while they cross the barren desert.

The important thing about hoodia weight loss diet pill is that it is not a drug but a natural supplement. Pharmaceutical companies saw this potential and have invested millions of dollars to turn it into a product.

Since it's a natural supplement, it's perfectly safe and there are no adverse side effects compared to other types of diet pills.

The gordonii variation of the hoodia plant extract has appetite suppressant capabilities. Basically it tricks the brain in thinking you have already eaten and the brain will think it is full therefore it will not send any signals to the stomach to let it know you are hungry.

The overall effect is you have a reduced interest in food and will be full easily.

Does Hoodia weight loss diet pill really work?

In my opinion, I think it will vary from person to person. Personally, I have been taking it for over a year and I do feel it has helped me loss weight but your results may vary.

Also I like to stress that do not just depend on hoodia weight loss diet pill to lose weight. It should be coupled with exercise to ensure your body well-being. Exercise plus effective hoodia diet pill can help you lose weight pretty fast.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight In A Week Fast

Natural Weight Loss Program - Do You Need One?

A Natural Weight Loss Program is suitable for anyone who are overweight to help them eliminate the excess fat in their body and also to reduce their weight. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 30, than you should consider going through a weight loss program.

There are several ways which you can find a suitable weight loss program for yourself. One of the way is to look for a weight loss center. There are many weight loss center across every country and this method have been known as one of the more popular methods for fat loss programs among people who are overweight. However such methods are known to be more costly and are known to be unaffordable for most people.

You can also rely on online resources as well. There are many of these around. Some of the more popular one I can think of is Fat Loss 4 Idiots which uses calories shifting to help one reduce weight.

In additionally, if you are the type of person who prefers to have 3 larger meals instead of 4 to 5 smaller means daily, you are at a highly risk of gaining weight. Therefore you should always check your eating habits or be prepared to take up a natural weight loss program.

The next kind of people that needs a weight loss program is those who suffers from belly stomach or a pear shape body. Belly fat is one of the most difficult to get rid of and people who suffer from them should seriously consider taking up a such a program.

Natural Weight Loss Program

An online weight loss program is very useful and effective for anyone who has a budget but at the same time wants to get rid of their excess weight. When undergoing these programs, you will probably undergo simple aerobic exercises or be taught an effective weight loss diet.

With so much being said, a natural weight loss program is not compulsory. It all depends on the individual and how much are they comfortable with their weight. Check with your home doctors to decide if you need a weight loss program. Good Luck.

For More Related Topics Blog: Diet And Exercise Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fasting For Fast Weight Loss - Does it Work?

A question that is often asked of nutritionists and personal trainers is regarding fasting and weight loss. In other words does fasting lead to weight loss? Well that depends over what time frame that you measure the weight loss.

Fasting means to abstain from food directly, or to severely limit food intake. Will that produce weight loss; of course it will, but weight loss with a sting in the tail. When you fast or go on a severely calorie restrictive diet several things occur. First the amount of food or undigested food remaining in your digestive tract decreases. Rather similar to only filling your petrol tank with a little petrol rather than having a full tank. The car automatically becomes lighter.

Your body will still require energy so food stores then become consumed, including muscle. But the first stores to be used up are the glycogen stores which are readily available. Glycogen is stored attached to water so another nice weight drop comes from the loss of these two compounds.

Now if your fast continues then you may start burning fat and muscle. Now the sting in the tail mentioned before comes from burning muscle. When the fast, or severe calorie restrictive diet ends and it has to, then the process reverses. Your body during the fast will be trying to conserve energy like mad so you will often feel tired, lethargic and low in energy.

This cannot go on for long so eventually the fast or diet has to end and the body now quickly makes up the glycogen and water store. Well at least you may have lost some fat but the kicker is that you lost muscle as well.

What's important about muscle? It burns calories, lots of them. Less muscle equates to less calorie burning and more weight gain.

So short term, perhaps a week or two sure you will lose weight, long term you will probably end up heavier and most likely fatter than before. And that folks is the way most diets go as well, with most dieters ending up heavier than before they started, but it doesn't have to be like that. When it comes to weight loss smart beats will power and suffering every time.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Programs

Have you been looking for a fast weight loss diet? I'm pretty sure no one wants to carry excess weight and when it comes to shed a few extra pounds everyone wants it to happen as fast a possible without wasting too much time at the gym or starving themselves. I've personally managed to quit smoking, quit drinking but still found losing weight one of the most difficult issues. Thus losing weight is a lot harder than it initially appears but it's possible.

A few tips that can help you lose weight

Some of the weight loss diets available promise a fast and permanent weight loss but it won't necessarily work for everyone. No matter what diet you choose, exercising is important as well. You can do cross training workout of body squats, push ups and sit ups in a volume that is acceptable to your conditioning level. Daily cardio can help as well: you can do swimming, jogging, walking, or jumping rope.

There is not a fast weight loss diet that will work without exercising at all. Another thing to keep in mind is that if your diet is awful then losing weight will be nearly impossible as long as you can't keep up with the diet or follow it correctly. Try and eliminate sugars, carbs and saturated fats this way the fat will melt off a lot easier.

A fast weight loss diet that has proven effective is the calorie shifting diet. It basically boost your metabolic rate and this way you will burn more fats than with any other diet. Calorie shifting diets don't require you to starve or deprive yourself from any food instead it allows you to eat your favorite food up to four times a day, that is why we highly recommend it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Diet For Fast Weight Loss - 3 Features to Look For in a Diet to Get a Lean Body Quickly & Naturally!

Have you been searching all over for a diet for fast weight loss, but you just can't seem to find one that works? Alright, take 2 quick minutes out of your day to read this article here and discover 3 very important features to look for in a diet in order to get fast and natural results!

1.) The very first thing you should look for is if the diet is based on proper nutrition. Getting 100% proper nutrition is the only true way to lose weight and fat quickly and naturally. This means you should stay away from low carb, low fat, low calorie, starvation, etc. types of programs. The problem with those diets is that they will reduce your metabolism!

2.) The next thing you should look for is if the diet is based on naturally increasing your metabolism. Getting your metabolism raised to the maximum peak with 100% natural methods is a surefire way to get faster weight loss and fat loss.

3.) The last thing you should take note of with a diet is if the program is easy to follow. What I mean by this is the diet should simply be based on just naturally changing around your eating patterns (without restricting calories or nutrients) to trigger your body into increasing fat burning hormones without doing anything strict or dangerous.

If you find a diet based on those 3 key features above, not only will you get extremely fast results, you will get that perfect body much more consistently and permanently!

Exercise is Useless For Weight Loss, So Can I Stop Now?

Eat too much and its unlikely you'll ever do enough exercise to burn it off. That's the worrying finding of a new study by a World Health Organization obesity research center. The research team studied the eating and exercise patterns of Americans over the past 30 years and concluded that their weight gain could be put down almost completely to over-eating. It found that declines in physical activity played only a "minor role".

Fast food and soda companies like to blame declining exercise levels, not their products, for the obesity epidemic. This study shows up their argument for what it is - baseless blame-shifting of the worst kind.

This study may be bad news for junk food sellers, but it's manna from heaven for those pushing diet pills and quick-fix, no-sweat weight loss gimmicks.

So before you seize on this latest study as the perfect excuse to ditch your exercise programs, consider this...

New studies seem to come out every day. And the problem with them - even the good ones - is that most people never read past the headlines. But they happily interpret them as an excuse to do what they've been wanting to do all along - like give up exercise!

Yes, exercise may not be as important for losing weight as restricting your calorie intake. But it still plays a part. And it's extremely important for cardio-vascular health.

My advice is simple.

Eat less to lose weight. Exercise more to help with the weight-loss and to keep your heart and lungs healthy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dietary Fiber and Weight Loss

In terms of weight loss and food, Dietary fiber is an important link to the mystery of weight loss. Abundant in fruits and vegetables, dietary fiber cannot be digested by your body. The trick to fiber is that it does not provide us with any calories, while leaving us feeling full and satisfied with our food.

Because fiber is not digested by the body, it passes through our intestines stimulating bowel movements while cleansing it of cancerous metabolic wastes - greatly reducing the risk of colon cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the average person needs 20-35 grams of fiber a day; however the average person only consumes about 10 grams - its no wonder why we eat so much food just to feel satisfied.

Adding dietary fiber is easy - just eat more fruits and vegetables in replacement of your junk foods and snacks or take an over the counter fiber supplement. When adding more fiber in your diet for weight loss, there are two things to consider: Soluble and Insoluble fiber.

Soluble Fiber - is the type that dissolves in water. As it passes through your system, it binds with fatty acids and sugars, making them slower to digest - giving you a slow stream of energy that regulates your blood sugar, making you feel less full and less likely to eat. Another benefit to soluble fiber is that it lowers bad LDL cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Insoluble Fiber - is the type that stays solid and bulky in your system. This bulk contributes to the feeling of being full in your stomach and basically moves food through your body while removing metabolic wastes and fats through your body in less time. These metabolic wastes are cancerous and have adverse effects on your metabolism. Decreasing the transit time of these toxic substances, you greatly reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Psyllium fiber is the best over the counter type of fiber you can buy because of its high soluble and insoluble fiber content in one small serving. You can find psyllium in many "colon cleansing" and bulk laxative products. Metamucil is a great fiber supplement because it is in the form of a mixing powder and comes in three great flavors: Orange, Pink Lemonade, and Berry Burst. There are three other popular brands called Benefiber, Citrucel and Fibersure.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan - 3 Easy Steps

A healthy weight loss diet plan has 3 simple elements to it. Many people unfortunately make weight loss out to be this huge task that takes a lot of work and so they very rarely take any action on it. Yes, Losing weight does require some action but it does not have to be hard or unpleasant. Just a little shift in your daily habits will go a long way.

Here are three tips for a healthy weight loss diet plan.

1. Make your portions just a little smaller. More often then not, you'll notice that you're actually satisfied with the amount of food you've eaten. Also, when you finish this smaller plate, your brain will subconsciously say to itself, "I'm done"

2. Switch your snacking habits. Nuts, fruits, veggies are all great choices. This can be hard to do if you are addicted to those other foods but if you commit to having a healthy alternative before you grab the "not so good for you snack", you'll find yourself satisfied before you ever get there.

3. When exercising, zone out. Don't think about it. Watch some tv, put on your favourite music, do whatever it takes to distract yourself from the fact that your working out. Put on your favourite show and by the time it's done, you'll have completed a full workout and you'll feel like a million bucks.

The final part of this healthy weight loss diet plan is to supplement properly. There are many natural supplements that are rich in antioxidants. You want to get as many of these in your system as possible.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips