Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

3 Best Tips to Weight Loss For Teens

Being overweight as a teen can be quite challenging, even if it is just a few pounds over. No worries though, it can be resolved with the right tools. If you are interested in losing weight fast, you must follow simple rules of boosting your metabolism to burn off that extra fat that you don't like.

Remember that the best way to lose weight is by burning off calories that we use for energy. Now if you want to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life I recommend you sticking to one program only and follow it through until it becomes second nature. Here are the top 3 tips as promised.

Tip 1: Eating better. Not necessarily dieting. That word is often overused, so lets stick with eating better. The real secret to super charging your metabolism is to eat 3 meals, and 3 snacks through out your day. Make sure those meals are solid lean foods, with some green vegetables to balance your blood toxicity. Although vegetables are very important so is protein. The protein in your diet will balance your new lifestyle and feed your new muscle to be built. Eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day will make a huge difference and make sure they are good proteins.

Tip 2: Getting muscles. Exercising is also very important for your weight loss goals. Muscle is an active tissue that burns of calories automatically. I am not saying you must look like Arnold or anything but simply, a bit of weight lifts and a jog or walk. This will definitely speed up your fat loss by 10 times.

Tip 3: Sleeping enough. By far the most important besides eating better. Uninterrupted rest is critical you're your weight loss goal. Your body needs ample time to recover. When we don't recover are more susceptible to free radicals. Free radicals are what make us sick and throw off our immune systems. Resting makes sure all of our red blood cells are ready to go so get your sleep.

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