Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, October 7, 2013

End You Emotional Attachment to Your Scale During Weight Loss

Many people when losing weight have an emotional attachment to the scale. Learn what you should rather focus on instead in order to determine success or not when you are trying to lose weight effectively.

One of the biggest problems during weight loss is becoming attached to the scale. It is very difficult to put in the effort into a diet and workout plan to only see that you have not lost any weight that week, or even worse, you have gained a pound or two. This can cause many people to feel bad about their dieting efforts and possibly give up thinking that losing weight is impossible because they actually did try.

You have to realize that there are many factors to weight loss besides if you ate less calories and did some workouts. Your weight will fluctuate from week to week and especially each day. If you use the number on the scale as a measure of success, many times you will be let down as it is difficult to lose pounds consistently week after week with weight fluctuations.

One must change their mentality about the scale and to stop looking at the scale on a daily basis. First of all, if you are eating right and exercising, over the long run you will lose fat and in turn lose weight. The goal of success for the week needs to be put on whether you meet your eating goals and exercise goals versus if you lost weight that week. The reason is because you will be successful in the long run meeting these goals week after week getting to your goal weight much quicker.

For those who are attached to the scale, start weighing every few weeks or even once a month. At this rate the chances of gaining weight is much lower since it's over the course of a month versus week to week where weight fluctuates much more. This will prevent you from feeling down when the numbers do not say what you would like them to say. If you get too down about it, weigh even less.

Write down some solid goals each week. Write down your eating goals and your exercise goals. If you complete these well, you had success for the week. If you didn't, regardless what the scale says, you failed. In reality, those with the disciplines and following through are the ones who are succeeding.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Program

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Program

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